Desiree DiClemente DiSalvo

“Whether it’s a solo mission or a large group cleanup, every piece of trash removed from our beaches, streets, and waterways makes a difference.”

Welcome to
Sun of a Beach Cleanup!

I’m a South Florida native who grew up on the beaches of Broward County. Some of my favorite memories are walking on the beach collecting seashells with my grandmother and searcheing for creatures in the seaweed with my dad. My parents were hippies and taught me young to protect and respect Mother Nature.

After watching our beautiful coastline change from seashells scattered on the sand to plastic pollution gathering on our shoreline, I started Sun of a Beach Cleanup because I couldn’t tackle this disaster by myself. Now we are hosting monthly cleanups and doing what we can to help cleanup Broward County’s beaches.

In 2016 my beach walks turned into beach cleanups, I couldn’t unsee the plastic pollution that washed up on our shores. After a year of solo cleanups I knew I needed more help and created Sun of a Beach Cleanup. We now host monthly cleanups and have removed thousands of pounds of trash from Broward County Beaches. I still do solo cleanups because they are just as important, if not more than the big group cleanups. And I’ve made some pretty awesome trashy friends! Along the way I’ve had to opportunity to collaborate with some amazing local organizations to make a bigger impact. My hope is to inspire others to make small changes to their single-use habits and to unlitter whenever possible.

Host a Cleanup

Sun of a Beach Cleanup hosts cleanups for corporate teams, local businesses, and small groups. If you would like to get trashed with us, just use the contact form below to get started.

Sun of a Beach Cleanup ggroup

Ways to Help

At SOB, our motto is let’s get trashed! Whether it’s a group beach cleanup or picking up a random water bottle in a parking lot, we encourage everyone to do their part to keep Florida beautiful & litter free.

The best thing you can do to help decrease the amount of plastic ending up in our ocean is to reduce your single-use plastic habits and choose to reuse instead. Unfortunately, we can not recycle our way out of this mess. There is more plastic washed up on our beaches every day. We must stop producing it.

Sun of a Beach Cleanup

Contact Us

Want to learn more? Use the contact form below to reach out to us!